Postal Code of Las Piedritas
The postal code is assigned by Correo Argentino. The city of Las Piedritas is located in the province of San Juan and its official postcode is 5419. You can find the postal code of Las Piedritas according to its streets and numbers if there are streets associated with Las Piedritas in our database.
The postal code of Las Piedritas is 5419
While in 1998 the new postcode system with numbers and letters came into force, currently the postcode with 4 numbers continues to be used. To send letters, parcels or packages to Las Piedritas, San Juan should always use the postcode 5419.
What is the postal code of Las Piedritas?
The postal code of Las Piedritas in San Juan is 5419
Useful Information of Las Piedritas
Coming soon you will find here all the information of the location of Las Piedritas
Area Code of Las Piedritas
Coming soon you will find the area code to call Las Piedritas in San Juan
More postcodes: ZIP Code of San Juan
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Reverse CP 5419
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